RT球閥式乳頭供水系統配備有*********的水過濾器,水壓調節器,自動加 藥器,防棲電擊器等,能滿足蛋雞、肉雞、種雞由育雛至成雞、籠養和平 養的飲水需要。UPVC塑料飲水管,全封閉式水線,杜絕了外界環境污染, 防止了細菌的傳播。乳頭飲水器型號多樣,可供用戶選擇。
RT valve nipple drinking system is equipped with the most advanced water filter, water pressure regulator, automatic medicine doser, anti electric shock device and so on. It can meet the drinking demands for the broiler and breeder growing by floor or layer management. UPVC plastic pipe, fully close type drinking system, stops the outside environmental pollution, avoid virus's spreading. Various model nipple for customer's choice.